Dani Araya


Pastor Daniel Araya and his family


Missionaries in Santa Clara, Alajuela, Cost Rica


(506) 8706-8345





“For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.”
Romans 11:236
G.P.A Gospel Preacher Association
P.O. Box 520 Oxford P.A. 19363

Additional Information

Daniel, Cindy and their kids: Sofia and Pablo.

Serving in God’s work at the First Fundamental Baptist Church of Coronado
Soul Winning | Discipling | Church Planting

Please pray for us and:
– May God keep us steadfast and faithful to Him until he calls us into his presence.
– For numerical and spiritual growth in our church and missions.
– For the health of my son Pablo – May God heal him completely.
– May God provide the funds for us to buy a piece of property where we can build a bigger facility for our church.
– May God supply my need to buy an insulin pump.
– May God supply our need to buy a newer model vehicle for continued service in God’s work.
– For monthly financial support.