Carlos Flores


Carlos Flores


Santa Ana de Belen, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 19:10

Additional Information

Missionaries with GPA since 1998

Carlos has a well-established work in this poor and desitute región of Costa Rica which lies in the northwestern part of the country on the Pacific side.

His ministries include:
• Church services on Sundays and Wednesdays
• Visitation to church members
• Evangelization and tract distribution of tracts on a regular basis
• Visitation and prayer for the sick
• Bible clubs
• Ministry to the youth

Carlos and Julian were among the first missionaries to work with the GPA and have been faithful through the years in working in this poor and needy region close to the border with Nicaragua. They have suffered many trials, for example, the tragic death of their son Kenneth in his prime, who was Carlos’ right-hand man in the ministry. His youngest son Julio, 41 years of age, was severly burned about a month ago in an explosion at his work place. Carlos’ wife Juliana has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Through all the hard work and trials over the years, this couple remains faithful in carrying out the ministry in this poor and needy part of Costa Rica. They are in desperate need of support, and because of that, Carlos is a part time mechanic to help support his family as they serve the Lord.
Please keep them in your prayers.

Bro. Carl Hewlett, Director of GPA Spanish Missions